Home » AOC ‘doesn’t belong here’: Trump supporters send message to Squad member after thousands rallied in the Bronx.

AOC ‘doesn’t belong here’: Trump supporters send message to Squad member after thousands rallied in the Bronx.

AOC ‘doesn’t belong here’: Trump supporters send message to Squad member after thousands rallied in the Bronx.  Daily Mail

AOC ‘doesn’t belong here’: Trump supporters send message to Squad member after thousands rallied in the Bronx… and warn Democrats after Kathy Hochul ‘called them clowns’By Sarah Ewall-wice, Senior U.S. Political Reporter In New York, Ny For Dailymail.Com
Published: 12:27 EDT, 24 May 2024 | Updated: 12:48 EDT, 24 May 2024

WhenDailyMail.comaskedaNewYorkeratDonaldTrump’sBronxrallywhatherthoughtswereonCongresswomanAlexandriaOcasio-Cortez,theresponsewastooexplicittopublish. ItwasasentimentsharedbymanyofthethousandswhowatchedtheformerpresidentcampaignonThursdaywhoaretiredofPresidentJoeBidenandtheDemocratstakingthemforgranted. AOCsaidtheeventinoneofthebluestcountiesinthecountrywouldbea‘muddymess’,posted‘Godisgood’whenitstartedtorainandurgedthemajorityblackandHispaniclocalsnottoshowup. NewYorkGovernorKathyHochulalsosparkedfurybyappearingtocallMAGAf