Home » Episode #15: Kamala Harris and the Politics of Abortion

Episode #15: Kamala Harris and the Politics of Abortion

On this episode of “The Intersection of Faith and Politics,” Paula and I talk about early voting, and if you are even slightly pro-life, you had darn well better find your way to the polls this year. In case you haven’t heard, Kamala Harris has made it crystal clear that if she moves into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, there will be no religious exemptions when it comes to abortion. None. And you thought the Left was really going to stop with bakers in Colorado? 

Harriswasalsoadamantthatshewouldnotbeinthemoodtograntconservativesanyconcessionsorwiggleroomontheissue.AccordingtoNationalReview,shecommented,“Idon’tthinkweshouldbemakingconcessionswhenwe’retalkingaboutafundamentalfreedomtomakedecisionsaboutyourownbody.”Soshe’sallaboutthefreedomtohaveanabortionbutnotaboutallowinganyoneelsethefreedomnottoparticipateintheprocessofkillingababy?Prettymuch.  NRhadthesequotes: Harris“promises‘freedom’butthenpledgestofederallysteamrollAmericansintotakingpartinabortionsagainsttheirwill,”SusanB.AnthonyPro-LifeAmericasaidofthecandidate’spo