Home » Joe Biden ‘Accidentally’ Freed A Murderer

Joe Biden ‘Accidentally’ Freed A Murderer

Do you remember when Joe Biden gave mass clemency to a bunch of “non-violent drug offenders” mere days before leaving office?
“Today, I am commuting the sentences of nearly 2,500 people convicted of non-violent drug offenses who are serving disproportionately long sentences compared to the sentences they would receive today under current law, policy, and practice,” Biden said in a statement the Friday before leaving office. “Today’s clemency action provides relief for individuals who received lengthy sentences based on discredited distinctions between crack and powder cocaine, as well as outdated sentencing enhancements for drug crimes.”

Well,itturnsoutatleastoneofthose“non-violentdrugoffenders”Bidengaveclemencytowasadruglordwhowasconvictedofkillinganeight-year-oldboyandhismother. Relativesofan8-year-oldboyandhismotherwhoweremurderedbyaConnecticutdruggangareoutragedthatamanconvictedinthekillingswasoneofnearly2,500peoplewhosedrug-relatedprisonsentenceswerecommutedbyformerPresidentJoeBideninhislastdaysinoffice. AdrianPeelerserveda20-yearst