Home » Now We Know the Shocking Truth About the 51 Intel Officials’ Role in Hunter Biden’s Laptop!

Now We Know the Shocking Truth About the 51 Intel Officials’ Role in Hunter Biden’s Laptop!

We all remember how, in the fall of 2020, the Biden campaign scrambled to discredit the New York Post’s bombshell report on Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell.” Just days before a crucial debate, they enlisted 51 former intelligence officials to sign a letter suggesting the laptop was Russian disinformation—giving Biden the perfect excuse to dismiss the story when Trump confronted him. That letter also handed Big Tech the justification to censor the story across social media, making it one of the most brazen examples of election interference in U.S. history.

Onhisfirstdaybackinoffice,Trumprevokedthesecurityclearancesofthose51officials.Sincethen,they’vespunexcuseafterexcuse—includingthelaughableclaimthattheyneveractuallycalledthelaptopRussiandisinformation.Butnow,aleakedemailfromJohnBrennan,oneofthekeysigners,exposesthetruth.Notonlydidtheseofficialsbacktheletter,buttheydidsowiththeexplicitgoalofhelpingBidenmisleadthepublic.It’sadamningrevelationthatconfirmstheirroleinmanipulatingtheelectionnarrative. OnOctober19,2020,formerCIADirectorMikeMorellsentBrenna