Home » Hey, What’s This Garbage That Starts Off the Democratic Party Platform?

Hey, What’s This Garbage That Starts Off the Democratic Party Platform?

If you still think it’s hyperbole and hysteria to say that the left hates America, check out the 2024 Democratic Party Platform.
“Our nation,” the platform states, “is at an inflection point. What kind of America will we be? A land of more freedom, or less freedom? More rights or fewer?” That’s actually not a bad place to start a statement of basic principles, for this election is indeed shaping up to be a choice between more freedom or less, albeit not in the way that the Democratic party would have you believe.

This“inflectionpoint”statement,however,isnotthefirstitemintheDemocraticPartyPlatform.ThefirstthingyouseewhenyoustartreadingtheDemocraticPartyPlatform,theveryfirstthingthattheDemocratswantyoutoknow,isthatAmericaisonstolenland.Themessageisclear:Gohome,whitecolonizer!  Thefirstiteminthe2024platformofAmerica’smajoritypartyisthe“DemocraticNationalConventionLandAcknowledgement.”Landacknowledgments,whicharebasicallystatementsofcolonialistguiltandassertionsthatsomeparticularparceloflandactuallybelongstosomeoneotherthanthosewhooccupyitandownthede