Home » So About Those Oceans That Were Just About to Boil Away…

So About Those Oceans That Were Just About to Boil Away…

It seems like only last year [it was only last year, Steve —Editor] that we were all going to die because the oceans were literally figuratively boiling away. I’m not sure whether it was the massive amounts of steam that were supposed to kill us or the resulting Sharknado. I just know that whatever the oceans are doing, it’s a VERY BAD THING, even though the Great Barrier Reef seemed to love it. Seriously, the GBR is in better shape than it’s been in for years.

Butnow,“surfaceoceantemperaturesareplungingrapidlyaroundtheworldwithscientistsreportedtobepuzzledatthespeedoftherecentdecline,accordingtoChrisMorrisonatTheDailyScepticthisweek.“Lesspuzzlementwastobefoundwhentheoceanswere‘boiling’duringthelasttwoyears,”Morrisondrylynoted. Whenthingsaregettingworse,climatescientistsenjoythecertaintyofknowingexactlywhat’sgoingonandwhy.Whenthetrendlinesimprove,it’samuchlessnewsworthymystery.  “Untilrecently, thesurfaceseatemperature(SST)graph belowshowingmeasurementsuptheArcticanddowntoAntarcticawasrarelyoutofthe