Home » Why Kamala Harris Is The Poster Child For Economic Collectivism

Why Kamala Harris Is The Poster Child For Economic Collectivism

More than 70 years ago, William F. Buckley Jr. wrote “God and Man at Yale.” In the book, Buckley provides numerous examples of how collectivism was being taught in economics classes at Yale at the time. While the sheer number of examples often comes across as redundant, they serve Buckley’s point and overwhelm readers with …

More than 70 years ago, William F. Buckley Jr. wrote “God and Man at Yale.” In the book, Buckley provides numerous examples of how collectivism was being taught in economics classes at Yale at the time. While the sheer number of examples often comes across as redundant, they serve Buckley’s point and overwhelm readers with a sense of urgency. The collegiate educational system was in need of reform or it would produce a generation of improperly educated individuals. Unfortunately, as the voice crying out in the desert, Buckley’s warning went mostly unheeded. As a result, we have for the last 40-some years lived in an increasingly collectivist society.
