Home » A New Idea on Abortion: How the GOP Can Win the Political Debate AND the PR Argument

A New Idea on Abortion: How the GOP Can Win the Political Debate AND the PR Argument

I’ll lay my cards on the table: I’m pro-life. In fact, I’m so pro-life that I think conservative women should add nine months to their date of birth whenever anyone asks how old they are. (Men should do it, too, but the idea’s funnier with women.) Full disclosure: To me, transforming America into a nation that’s not only pro-life legally, but where the pro-life argument has captured the hearts and minds of the citizens, is a good thing.

AndIthinkwecanachievethatoutcome.Seriously!Butwe’llhavetochangeourtactics. WhatI’mabouttoproposewithdismayandoffendsomepro-lifereaders—andforgoodreason:Thesanctityoflifeisamoralissue.Andthere’ssomethingtobesaidfornever,evercompromisingonmoralissues. Afterall,wheneveryou’reforcedtochoosebetweentwoevils,itnecessarilymeansyourchoicewasevil. It’sanintellectuallyconsistentvantagepoint;it’slogicalandstraightforward.Besides,there’ssomethingnobleandawe-inspiringinstakingmorallyintractablepositionsanddamningallconsequences.It’sheroic.There’sareasonwhyit’sbeenthego-tostorylineinamillion-gazillionMarve