Home » 148 House Democrats Vote to Block Deportation of Illegal Aliens Who Attack Cops

148 House Democrats Vote to Block Deportation of Illegal Aliens Who Attack Cops

148 House Democrats Vote to Block Deportation of Illegal Aliens Who Attack Cops  RedState

On Wednesday evening, the United States House of Representatives voted on the Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act, originally introduced by Representative Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ). The bill’s intent is to require the deportation of illegal aliens who assault law enforcement officers. This value of this piece of legislation seems so staggeringly obvious that it should have been a unanimous vote, doesn’t it? Is there any reasoned argument against deporting illegal aliens who attack cops? 

Wemightaskthe148Democratswhovotedagainstthebill. AbillaimedatbootingillegalimmigrantsoutoftheU.S.iftheyassaultapoliceofficerpassedtheHouseofRepresentativesonWednesdayevening. It’soneofseveralpiecesoflegislationthatHouseRepublicanleadersareputtingupforavotethisweekaspartofNationalPoliceWeek. Thebillpassedwitha265to148vote,with54DemocratsvotingwiththeGOP. ThebilliscalledtheDetainandDeportIllegalAliensWhoAssaultCopsActandisledbyRep.JeffVanDrew,R-N.J. What’snot