Home » Trump Makes His Choice for Speaker (And Many People Aren’t Going to Like It)

Trump Makes His Choice for Speaker (And Many People Aren’t Going to Like It)

There’s been a lot of debate over which Republican will become Speaker of the House when the U.S. House of Representatives begins a new term in a few weeks, especially after the man who currently holds the title made some controversial decisions over the last month. 

But if once and soon-to-be President Donald Trump has his way, Mike Johnson will keep his job. Trump took to Truth Social on Monday to endorse the incumbent congressman from Louisiana. After a bit of rambling on other topics, he threw his support behind Johnson, stating, “Speaker Mike Johnson is a good, hard working, religious man. He will do the right thing, and we will continue to WIN. Mike has my Complete & Total Endorsement. MAGA!!!”  You can read the entire post here: 

JohnsontooktoXtorespondtothepresident’sendorsement,saying,“Together,wewillquicklydeliveronyourAmericaFirstagendaandusherinthenewgoldenageofAmerica.”  Trump’sendorsementmaybesomethingofashockertosomeRepublicansafterthetwomenbuttedheadsoverspendingbillsearlierthismonth,largelydisagreeingoverthefactthatTrumpwantedtosuspendthe