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Catherine Herridge Testifies Before Congress About a Free Press

How far are people willing to go to protect the First Amendment? Most conservatives sitting over coffee or a couple of beers or on a post on X would say that they would defend freedom of speech to their last breath. Most progressives would say the same thing, with the caveat that they get to determine what constitutes free speech. It is a safe bet that they would take a stand on the matter to protect their freedom of speech, but that is another column for another time.

Supposeforjustamomentthatwhateverisleftofyourlifesavings,yourhome,yourchildren’swell-being,andevenyourfreedomweresuddenlypartofthewager?Howtemptedwouldyoubetolooktheotherway?  CatherineHerridgeknowsathingortwoaboutthat.ShewasonCapitolHillThursdaymorning,testifyingbeforetheHouseJudiciarySubcommitteeontheConstitutionandLimitedGovernment.Thehearingwastitled“FightingforaFreePress:ProtectingJournalistsandtheirSources,”anditsgoalwastotakeacloserlookathowthefederalgovernmentaffectsthefreedomofthepressandhowjournalistshandleconfidentialsources. AccordingtoTheWrap,Herridgeexpressedhersupportfortheb