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Joe’s Very, Very ‘Important’ Last Few Days

Joe Biden is desperately trying to look very, very busy for his last few days in office. It’s amusing to watch a gold-bricker like Joe attempting to leave the impression that he’s been hard at work for the American people for the past four years. He’s taken vacation for 40% of his presidency — or as the New York Post put it, “48 years worth of leave in four.” He is probably the laziest president we’ve ever had. 

JoeBiden’sWhiteHouseappearstohaverecentlyswitchedhisWhiteHouse.govwebsitearoundtohighlighthislatestpressreleasesonthefrontpagetomakeitlooklikehe’sdoing,asVodkapunditwouldsay,“presidentish”thingsinhisfinaldays.It’satoughsell.Betweenhisvacations,go-juiceinfusions,andwhatlookstobefacialrejuvenationsessionsbeforeheleavesoffice,Joe’stakenoffmoretimethanJimmyCarterhas—andCarterwasretiredfordecadesbeforehewasdead.  Myhusbandcarpsaboutactivitybeingmistakenforaccomplishment,andJoethinkswedon’tknowthedifference.  ButIhavequestions.  No,notquestionsaboutJoe’sDemocrats